Cosmic Presence in the Weeds of Social Change

The Moon will rise again. We will survive. We will fight, the asteroid goddesses by our side.

I’ve been trying to write this piece for a week. I get detailed, preachy and warrior like, and then feel fear to be so bold. Past life memories of persecution seep into my psyche. Should I speak so directly? Are they watching every word posted? How bad will it get?

I’ve heard these same concerns from many of you. We all read 1984. Many lived through witch trials and the Spanish Inquisition.

Still, the Spirit voices whisper, “Stay grounded. Embody love. We are here.”

The astrological hope that 2020’s Capricorn restructuring and the recent expansive Aquarian planetary themes indicate progress and social justice now seems overly optimistic.

It’s not like I was ignoring the shadow side. I say it every time. Astrology always has a range of meaning. The shadow of Aquarius is cold-hearted and detached, overly scientific. Only that which is scientifically proven might be allowed. The challenge of the Saturn/Capricorn patriarchal structures is the refusal to give up their power, clutching to the last moment, making laws in their favor. Case in point.

We can look to history on every continent to see that those that seek power in politics and in religion join together. They come up with an issue (or ignite a difference of opinion) to create a religious war. They divide and separate, turning us against our neighbors.

Our challenge is to fight for what is right, while maintaining a sense of presence, an open heart. We can choose to breathe, to work toward an end goal, to persevere, without letting them engulf us in the shadow.

The astrology of the moment brings together all the signs that relate to women, families and love, with powerful goddess archetypes like Ceres, Pallas Athene, Eris and Black Moon Lilith. Current retrogrades and the shock/change energy of Uranus indicate this isn’t the last word. This could be the wake up call we need, another healing crisis where the underbelly is revealed.

Let us come together with strength, power and love. We incarnated at this time to be part of monumental transformation on a planet steeped in both love and fear. Remember, they can’t exist in the same space. It will take all our effort to stay in the space of love while diligently pursuing every action, facing our fears courageously.

We are building a new society while the old crumbles. Remember that.

Can we understand the fear of those we oppose? Can we find solutions that work?

Now is our time to step forward with a creative, united voice. Let us be filled with the presence of divine Goddess, reclaiming what has been taken from us, now, and throughout thousands of years.