The Wild Ride Takes a Pause

The Wild Ride Takes a Pause

April has been a whirlwind of experiences, like being chopped, diced, and blended into the oneness of all, only to snap back into the scratchy reality of challenges. But as May approaches, with the planets leisurely strolling into Taurus, it feels like we might finally catch a breather—a moment to reflect, center ourselves, and find solid ground before the whirlwind of …

How Relationship Astrology Helps--Even Now

How Relationship Astrology Helps--Even Now

Astrology gives us an amazing lens into our psychological wiring, showing us the kind of home life we had—and prefer. The natal chart describes how we approach romance, the deeper commitments of partnership, and the unfolding of trust and intimate bond…. the best lens is looking at ourselves — our needs, challenges and gifts, and especially the transits we’re going through.

Life at the Crossroads

Life at the Crossroads

…We are in a healing crisis. Things get worse before they get better. Spirit reminds me regularly that we need to stay connected in love with each other and allow the old structures to die. This civilization is like a bad marriage we don’t want to end because we’re afraid of the unknown.”