Messages from the Light of the Pisces Full Moon

The flood of light from the recent Full Moon in Pisces bathes our weary selves, most of us feeling disaster fatigue, life seeming to be an endless conflict marathon.

Somehow, throughout it all, we need to be reminded of the joy of life as well as the loss and uncertainty.

I peek through the endless news to find the acts of kindness, beautiful aspects of life remaining clear and true, even when the fog obscures the view. I especially love videos of various animal and bird species hanging out with each other. Cats nursing orphan puppies. The lioness who cuddles a baby gazelle that should have been lunch. They give me hope for humanity.

With that fragment of hope, I find us moving toward the Equinox, the year almost complete. Here in the north, September moves us into the harvest season, a time to receive and to share our bounty.

What are you harvesting? Can you take a moment to consider what you’ve been working on this year, standing in the waning light of the Full Moon, considering culmination and potential completion.

What is left to do, and what might you set aside?

More than ever, we need deep rest and dreamtime. We are in two long term Pisces transits: Neptune in its own sign permeating us with consciousness, with Saturn in Pisces coming along next, helping us structure this magical mystical energy into the core of our beings, infusing the next set of choices.

It’s helpful to remember that as we come into September, we are in a multi-planet retrograde period. No need for fear, though. This is a time of review, our eyes attuned to the rear view mirror. We are meant to be revisiting themes, exploring past relationships, and second guessing choices that seem to be made already. Double checking. Triple checking. What comes next? Are we really on the right path?

It’s helpful to review objectively without too much regret or guilt. Each evaluation allows us to accept the past or to change course, learning from previous choices.

What I know is that love gets me by. Not so much for a particular person or place, just taking the time to remember love, to feel it through my whole body. I breathe deep into my heart space—expanding, merging. I breathe, no matter how grouchy I feel with this potent Mercury retrograde in Virgo, my inner Martha Stewart tidying the towels and picking dry leaves off of houseplants, while Rome* burns (*insert town name), and I have an endless to-do list.

The breath is the constant. If we breathe deeply enough, slowly enough, holding the breath for a couple of seconds so that the energy and oxygen infuse the entire body system, we connect to our essence. It’s so simple, really. The spaciousness is who we really are. We glimpse the truth behind the world’s illusions. We find our capacity to love and nurture ourselves and those around us.

This Pisces Full Moon, merged with Saturn in Pisces, asks us to deepen our commitment to our spiritual practice, which can be anything from meditation and yoga to finding connection in nature, or enjoying an inspirational film. Commitment to spirituality can be sweet and compassionate toward ourselves. We don’t have to succumb to the fire and brimstone mythology!

We can commit to empathic love for everyone and everything, as best as we are able. Pisces Moon with Virgo Sun suggests we pray for world peace while taking meaningful actions infused with service and devotion.

Autumn 2023 asks us to commit to love, to find the heart of our peaceful strength. We have too many retrograde planets to feel we are moving forward easily, but move forward we will. Like Burning Man attendees, we are walking in mud so thick it feels like a second set of boots. We move slowly. But hopefully, like some of the Burners, we are maintaining our spirit, checking in on each other, embodying the best of who we are.