What Pluto Retrograde Means for You

I sit here in my urban home office, hearing the reconstruction noise from the building in the next block. Another victim of the fraudulent contractors that built every apartment in this area in the early 2000’s, the real estate heyday before the 2008 recession.

These huckster contractors slapped stucco on multi-story wood frames without sealants, insulation or protectants, not even around windows or doors. They installed cheap metal that had been spray painted silver and charged for expensive galvanized steel.

Within a few years, every residential building in the area was suffering from mold and rot, insurance lawsuits were won, and the reconstructions began.

Some of you may remember I spent a lot of time working from friends’ houses in the past couple of years because the jackhammer noise of removing the surface of my apartment exterior walls was hard to live with, and impossible for the astrology and psychic work I do. I need peace and quiet to connect in at that level. Thankfully, our building work is now complete and the neighborhood noise is manageable.

Why am I recounting my construction story?

Because 2008 was not just the date of the financial meltdown post building craze. It was when Pluto moved into the sign of Capricorn in our sky.

This translates personally as a cycle when Pluto moved into the accomplishment area of our psyches, here to expose and demolish wounds and challenges, and to ultimately oversee the building of a new empowered structure in its place.

This Plutonian process of digging deep under the surface of things and doing needed shadow and renovation work is from 2008 to 2024. Almost at the end, we are on a bridge now. Pluto is moving back and forth between the end of Capricorn and the beginning of the next sign, Aquarius. We are tying up loose ends. Pluto leaves no stone unturned; no trauma invisible.

When fully in Aquarius in November 2024, Pluto will officially begin the long haul to expose the life altering risks of technology that we can’t handle, the fake humanitarian efforts, the deep inequalities, and the endless drive for innovation and change that needs to be balanced with the needs of humans—living, breathing, eating, connecting humans.

We have already had a preview of coming attractions from March 23 to June 11th. AI has everyone concerned, even the brainiacs who built it.

Now, in this first retrograde of Pluto back into Capricorn, we’ll see a few more corporate and governmental secrets come to light, and the personal laws of karma in evidence. Hopefully we will build new safeguards and structures.

Personally we get to revisit the truth of self, destiny, life projects, and what unconscious secrets might be thwarting us.

What have you created in your life that wasn’t as soul-centered, thorough or as ethical as you know how to do now?

Where are you living with less protection than you need?

Where is your pain, fear and shame hiding, waiting to sabotage your best efforts?

What does soul-centered power mean to you and how can you embody essence?

These are core Pluto review questions. We have less than a year and a half to titrate back and forth between the reconstruction of the Capricorn area of our lives, and the new agenda for the Aquarius curriculum. We are creating our alignment with new times to come, yet it is essential we rip off the facade, cleanse the inner mold, and rebuild with complete integrity and mastery, with a clear sense of our highest vision.

Where is your Pluto work?

Is it your relationships—primary, friends or business partners?

Career, finances?

Home—literally your abode—or family?

What new ideas have you had recently, where you know the path forward, but it seems challenging, or strategic blockages seem impenetrable?

The medicine for Pluto is to do the things that scare you. As you face fears and walk through fire, you build power, honesty and integrity.

With Pluto in Capricorn we need an extra dose of love and connection, the healing medicine of the opposite sign of Cancer.

Often we hope to receive Cancerian, unconditional love from our families. We’re lucky if that’s reality, but we are headed into Cancer sign season, a time of summer vacations and gatherings here in the northern hemisphere.

Perched on the border of Capricorn and Aquarius — the sign that rules tribe, groups and the larger circle of friendship — I believe it is time to reach beyond our traditional family circles to expand the support of soul family.

We have incarnated purposefully with our amazing groups of souls, at exactly this time, in this world, to be part of these radical Plutonian transformational solutions.

We need each other more than ever.

Let’s blend summer and Pluto retrograde. We can remember that love is the healing balm to face our personal and world solutions courageously, perhaps while sipping lemonade with our favorite family members, whether they are birth kin or the collection of like minded folks we are having the pleasure of getting to know.

Don’t miss connections and love in summer classes: Intuitive Development, Astrology Cycles, and a special class for people going through their Saturn Return in Pisces. Check out the class & event listings.