Of all the things I teach…

Of all the things I teach…

Psychosynthesis is perhaps the wisdom that changed my life the most. When I first learned about this magical spiritual psychology in hypnotherapy training, I felt like I’d “come home” to myself.

I was shocked to discover that fragmented pieces of awareness and knowledge I had—even the way I naturally did my intuitive work—fit into a theory that offered a practical path to healing, internal integration, and the potential of awakening.

My Spirit guides had always answered clients’ questions in psychic readings by talking about “parts” of people: “A part of you wants to do “this” for this reason, and another part of you wants to do “that” for these reasons.” The integrative solution then emerged from this assessment of diverse parts of the psyche, or a split between the soul and the ego/personality.

Now, as a Psychosynthesis Guide, instead of Spirit giving this information to people through me, I could easily lead a person to see and hear their subconscious parts themselves, creating clarity and healing that was immediate and permanent. It’s a fascinating process that even deepens your intuitive awareness, like a waking dream.

As you explore truth in this intuitive, objective way, the path of integration flows naturally. Emotions are soothed. Solutions are clear. Decisions are easier. All of your inner parts, the “subpersonalities” of the psyche, are invited to the table, seen, heard and healed in a deep, fundamental way.

Remember the old saying, “Love is the answer no matter the question.”

In Psychosynthesis, the philosophy of love is empathic, open and supportive.

Empathic love provides a the container for compassionate curiosity. Magic happens.

Twenty years ago, as I studied for three years with world renowned teachers of Psychosynthesis, I felt encouraged by a legitimate branch of psychology to be my true self, to stop trying to be so professional and neutral, an image my supervisors had encouraged. As I surrendered to my loving nature, authentic heart-felt professionalism emerged.

I often add some of this profound healing work in an astrology consultation, or as a specialized appointment. Every year I offer a training in Psychosynthesis to anyone who wants to deepen their healing skills — for themselves, for friends and family, or with clients.

I am excited to offer a six-week training starting March 9th

You don’t need to know astrology or feel gifted intuitively, although the training will expand your awareness of both.

You will experience personal healing through experiential practice, and learn to facilitate healing with those around you, in natural and supportive ways. The astrology connection is an added bonus

See the course description in the Calendar