Life at the Crossroads

I’m sitting here looking out a window at a beautiful cloud streaked sky, tree leaves rustling, my lavender plant beginning to bloom, and kids playing basketball across the street. In this moment from my field of vision, all is well.

Then I think about war, death, homelessness, refugees, world economic fears, and I wish I had all the answers, the magic wand to bring this world into harmonious balance.

Despite years of astrological study and channeling from beautiful guiding spirits, I find myself struggling to say something encouraging.

Except…. Neptune & Jupiter are in the sign of Pisces and they join together in the sky on April 12th. This is some special magic. We’re already feeling it as the Sun has been lighting them up for a couple of weeks. These planets are responsible for the sign of Pisces and carry the drive for Oneness, truth and meaning. In the sign of Pisces they are operating from a perspective of high love, forgiveness, compassion and spirituality. When they align in the sky, their energy will create a powerful vibration infusing us for many years to come. I see them as helping us to care enough to make the changes in our lifestyles and laws that the 2020 planetary restructuring have launched.

Of course, every sign has its shadow, and this is no exception. Tragic loss, illusions, deception, water disasters, addictive and numbing out behaviors, emotional overwhelm…We will see and may personally experience some of both sides of the Pisces vibration.

People ask me how long the invasion of the Ukraine will last? Looks to me there will be some kind of temporary peace treaty within the next few months — but meanwhile the destruction and loss is overwhelming, and like covid restrictions back and forth, the year carries a disruptive, painful vibe, and yet I believe this is a catalyzing force for peace and connection.

Every moment is a moment of choice. What we think about. How we make sense of it. The actions we take.

We are in a healing crisis. Things get worse before they get better. Spirit reminds me regularly that we need to stay connected in love with each other and allow the old structures to die. This civilization is like a bad marriage we don’t want to end because we’re afraid of the unknown.

The planet will survive. We only have to see how quickly nature regenerates given half a chance, to know that it is possible to slow climate change.

It’s clear though, that we can’t continue our societal structures as we’ve created them. We took a wrong turn. This is an at-the-last minute course correction as we’re about to plunge over the cliff.

Covid showed us the way, and we kept being sent back to our rooms until we started to change. But we didn’t change enough. We had to remember that Oneness thing. We are all one. People being blown up in Ukraine, or Syria, or Afghanistan—they matter. Black Lives Matter—all over the world. Animals matter. Our survival depends on us loving and caring for nature. We are all one in this life.

The children know it.

It’s time for the adults to live like we know it.

Need some practical ideas?

  • Send loving peaceful thoughts to the wars of the world whenever you think of them.

  • Join group meditations for world peace. We need critical mass

  • Live simply. Travel less. Become a minimalist.

  • Focus on love, creativity and joy in your daily life. Be kind to everyone.

  • Research personal practical solutions.

  • Develop intuition, spirituality and creativity—the life energy we share.

  • Give to others whatever you can give.

  • Create gardens. Plant trees.

All the information and resources, and many of the inventions, are already with us. We just need to give up our idea that life will go back to “normal” and find the beauty in our new lives.

The Spring Equinox is on March 20th. The Sun moves into Aries, the sign of new beginnings.