The New Year Begins Now with the Water Tiger

Welcome to 2022!

We can start now.

After a rocky, mushy, foggy start, we are now actually arriving in the new year.

Sure, we are in the last few days of the Mercury retrograde, and there are shadows to contend with, but Venus is now direct, and, for the first time in almost a year, none of the main eight planets, from Mercury to Pluto, are retrograde.

What does that mean?

It means we aren’t so caught up in reviewing, rethinking and revisioning. All those old relationships have shown up to reconsider. We can start to move life forward with a little more clarity.

I don’t know about you, but I found the January 1st New Year transition to be a non-event. I felt submerged in the mud, no sense of the new vibration that I normally feel intuitively each January 1st.

We’re two years from the restructuring meltdown of 2020, with a less intense stress about building secure, grounded projects that are also innovative — in the world and in our personal lives. But we are still picking up the pieces and adapting.

And, it’s the Year of the Water Tiger. I’m not an expert in Chinese Astrology, but Tiger years are said to be fierce, intense and maybe even explosive, but the Water Tiger softens the edges and we may feel more open minded. We surely need a little of both energies: strength and agility to make needed changes, with the softer flow of water to smooth out the edges and provide some nourishment.

In numerology it’s a “6” universal year (2+0+2+2). This is a year to focus on home, family, nurturing and service. We slow down and attend to personal life, after the edgy “5” energy of 2021 and the hard, treadmill energy of 2020, a “4” year.

Astrologically, we enter February under the influence of a New Moon at 12 degrees of Aquarius. New Moons are the energetic initiators of new starts, usually best a couple of days after the Moon. That will nicely coincide with Mercury going direct on February 3, giving us a beautiful new start window between the 5th and the 15th of February, in time for completion or culmination with the Leo Full Moon on February 16th. Start new projects, send letters and applications, speak truth. Move the energy! Be radical and rational and let go of drama or anything you do because of how you imagine it looks to others.

The first part of the month is Aquarian authenticity and freedom time. Enjoy every breath of it. On February 18th when the Sun goes into Pisces, be ready to get into that deep, warm flowing water with the Tiger to envision your pounce when the Aries Spring Equinox fires up a whole new layer of 2022 initiations.