Together We Will Thrive

And then the world as we knew it stopped. 

It didn’t stop on a dime. It dribbed and drabbed into consciousness, as we dismissed the seriousness of the virus, went down conspiracy rabbit holes, told ourselves we’d probably be okay. 

Finally they showed us the flattening the curve graph; we saw endless pages of obituaries in Italy. Our gym and hairstylist said they’d stay open cleaning thoroughly each hour.  Restaurants were open with space between tables (can we keep that please?). Then it all started shutting down. Shelter in place. Whole cities, states and countries immobilized.

As the intensity and reality have landed, past resistance and humor, we now start to feel the enormity of our plight. We are incarcerated in our own homes, facing our lives without some favorite softening agents—an evening out with friends, concerts, plays or a few hours alone while children play in daycare or schools.

We ran out and bought three weeks of what we are attached to, what we can’t live without. This is illuminating. Toilet paper? Pinto beans, wine, coffee, and of course hand sanitizer. Masks were already hoarded by early adapters and Amazon entrepreneurs.

Here’s the thing, we astrologers have been saying 2020 is a massive turning point in society for many years. We saw the signs of recession brewing—a long period of conservation of resources, a return perhaps to more traditional values. These are not meant to be rigid personal values, xenophobia and restriction—but rather a sense of living together as community and caring for resources.

For the past two years I’ve talked about the Pluto/Saturn dance that was getting us ready, asking us to let go of everything that is not in alignment with our soul path.

There are three major cycles beginning in 2020, each one indicating a major transformation in the way we live life, a turning point, re-structuring of power, a new society infused with innovative cultural viewpoints and beliefs. Two of them indicate conservatism and restriction; one suggests innovation, technology and invention, as well as new laws and societal beliefs that might be more inclusive—a humanitarian view of life.

I knew it was coming but it seemed rather theoretical. I wondered how. How could we change radically during one year?

This question deepened when the global warming crisis report came out at the turn of the year. The planet was dying much faster than we imagined. My activist friends were deeply engaged, making personal sacrifices; most seemed asleep or hopeless.

And again, how? How can people change that fast? I’ve been counseling people (and living my own imperfect life) for over 35 years. I KNOW we don’t change that fast! We hold onto our comforting and routine behaviors like a two year old grasping their blankie. 

Fear of severe illness, possible death within days—of you and loved ones. Now that’s some motivation. Even if the death rate is less than 1%—or 2 or 3%—that’s a lot of people you know. That’s enough millions to get governments to take unprecedented action.

The Astrology

Two transformational planetary energies feed the Capricorn restructure. One is Neptune in Pisces which originally I assumed would be caused by water disasters—flooding and hurricanes. Neptune is also connected to addiction and delusion, like changes needed to deal with the opioid crisis.

Yet Neptune also represents tragic loss, including illness.

The healing medicine of Neptune includes spiritual practice, nature, meditation and a compassionate heart.  This is where we take refuge, while naturally taking all the real world steps to keep ourselves and our communities safe.

The other influence supporting restructure is Uranus in Taurus: This is the planet of radical change, shocking events, and ultimate awakening or spiritual liberation—or at least living authentically. In Taurus (since May 2018), we expect technology and inventions to help heal the planet will emerge, as well as earthquakes and surprising earth events, like tornadoes in places they’ve never been before. We will be smacked into changing our way of living on the planet, balancing tech and the simple truth of the land.

Without minimizing the suffering and loss we are all likely to experience, at a meta level there appears to be a plan. I know everything we experience in life has an ultimate evolutionary goal; sometimes we aren’t ready to see it, like a stand up comedian with a joke that’s just too soon. But I think we all have a sense of the higher purpose already.

Safety Net/Humanitarian Consciousness: I imagine that this pandemic will level the playing field. Only the most staunch haters will refuse to see that we need better health care for all, sick leave for self or to tend to family members, and support for all sizes of businesses to weather such a storm.

Slowing Global Warming: We already see the radical changes to pollution levels and the various markers of global warming. Satellite photos confirm China and Italy have blue skies. The canals of Venice flow with clear water. Maybe we can slow our fall off the cliff and make some changes permanent.

Connection: We will remember we are one world, in this together, a global culture.

Relaxing Life: We will let go of endless busy-ness, frantic plans for vacations to help deal with commute stress and 60 hour work weeks, for some weeks, maybe some months. We will learn more about ourselves and our priorities. The truth of our closest relationships will be revealed.

Alternative Medicine: Although the big corporations want us to choose science over quackery, and I’m down against quackery myself, there are alternative healing modalities proven over thousands of years. For example, in China, ten days into the shutdown, the government mandated Chinese herbal therapy be given to all COVID-19 patients with very good success. The truth is good diet, immune support herbs and vitamins, and even homeopathy, have a track record helping people with viral infections. They are not to replace allopathic medicine in serious cases where a respirator, for example, might be necessary. But perhaps they can keep many of us from needing hospital care, saving resources for the ones who do.

In the 1914 Spanish Flu, 1 out of 17 people treated with allopathic (Western) medicine died, while only 1 out of 149 who were treated with homeopathy died. 

Do you have a homeopathic doctor? An acupuncturist? Holistic doctor? Now may be a good time to find referrals in your community.

Life Goes On: This past week I’ve been repotting the plants on my patio, sad that I’ve neglected them for a year, potbound and struggling. They remind me of myself—grounded and endlessly creating roots—but also cramped, needing more space to thrive. 

I’ve had some longer more relaxed conversations with friends—via Zoom. I plan to create some Zoom lunch dates. Skype, FaceTime… so much gratitude for the possibilities.

I’m appreciating everyone I know including all of you.  I will be offering more free and sliding scale content in the months ahead, and I ask if you’re financially okay to continue to book your sessions and sign up for classes.

It’s important that we support each other through this, especially the small businesses we love. I’m planning to buy takeout from my favorite restaurants, hoping they’ll survive. I’m buying gift certificates and products from other small businesses I care about.

Spiritual practice — Always A Good Thing

More than ever, spiritual practice will be essential to stay centered. Many of our favorite yoga teachers are offering webinar classes. I took one this morning from the fabulous Harvey Deutsch (I studied yoga therapy with him) and could feel the influx of energy from the 100 people online together. Tears of joyful connection slid down my cheek.

Globally and personally, this pandemic will shift us out of outmoded structures, beliefs, goals and objectives. In the U.S., the idea that everyone can be successful if only they just work hard enough will clearly not be true. It has never been true. We need social safety nets and a working government. I hope our new normal will stabilize into compassionate care for all.

We are One. Let’s use this opportunity to live in alignment with each other and with the earth.