Consciousness in the Heart of the Volcano

My heart breaks over the killing of yet another black person by the police, the collective rage and grief palpable and justified. I generally live from a spiritual perspective more than political, but this is not about politics. This is about being a human, knowing we are fundamentally Oneness, yet our society is not structured that way. 

Do we continue to stand by while injustice permeates the patriarchal system, or do we listen to those who live this life, and all of us take the necessary actions to make sure everyone gets to breathe in freedom?

We are in a time of tremendous change, where the subtle warnings, the quiet knocks on the door of transformation, have not been working. The volcano has been leaking smoke and heat for decades. We’ve been busy, distracted, hoping somehow “it” will get better.

Climate Change. COVID-19. Systemic Injustice. 

The astrology of this year tells the story, major cycles ending and beginning. Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter… Eris. Yes, while we restructure power, transform wealth, move toward a technological society, hopefully with some level of consciousness, we are also experiencing Eris, a newly discovered planet. Eris was the Goddess of Strife and Discord, and is a feminine warrior archetype. The story goes that she wasn’t invited to the party, because she was known for being difficult, so she threw an apple into the crowded room, saying it was to be given to the most beautiful Goddess. This launched an endless war, tremendous suffering.

We are meant to learn that when we don’t invite everyone to the table, ultimately there will be big problems. Everyone includes all people no matter their race, health, gender, sexuality, ability or economic status—all the various labels we create. Everyone includes all of the animals, birds, reptiles, and spiders—the planet and the galaxy we are spinning around within.

And some say she also teaches us that chaos is part of life. Nothing stays the same. As we explore the darkness and the light, we become whole, capable of surrendering to life as it arises, a strong Neptune theme.

Neptune also asks us to stay in our compassion hearts.

We have a lot of work to do, unraveling climate change, limiting the spread of COVID-19, establishing a fundamentally different economy, dismantling oppressive systems.

My vision is that we do this in a spirit of togetherness, courage and innovation, that we stay conscious as we live through this volcanic eruption.

A silver lining in the shelter in place has been the vast connections we’ve made in groups, classes and conferences, where we can talk with strangers from around the world about our true experiences in this radical change time.

Lava flows decimate huge swaths of land, but also build new structures of ground that will sprout grasses and flowers, beginning a new life cycle.

We will need to be patient. The work will be hard and uncomfortable but there is no way out but through, hearts open together as we close the door on the patriarchal structure that hasn’t worked for anyone for a very long time.