I Choose to Breathe

I choose to breathe...

...slow, deep and mindful, when I wake up and the news is outrageous. Heartbreaking on so many levels. It tests my resolve; I gather tiny shreds of remaining positivity into a ball a blow on them, like dandelion magic into the wind.

We are alive. We breathe. I remember Buddhist Tonglen practice, a shamanic tradition from various cultures: we breathe in the darkness and pain -- and breathe the transmuted Light out to the world. Try it. In this small way we can be part of the solution.

I don't know what else to do, but to stretch and breathe, to help and to heal wherever there is an opportunity. To love. To try harder to be kind with thoughts, words and deeds. To believe in the ultimate goodness of humans. To drink in stories of lions caring for motherless puppies and parrots who are a different species from each other falling in love and mating. I look for every shred of evidence that we ourselves are a species worth saving, simply waking up, stuck in a healing crisis, and I ask the many many healing spirits around us to protect us, to surround us with Light. I tell myself all day long, "I am here to serve." Whatever that is, I will be guided. I am grateful for this life, and appreciate everything I can wrap my mind around. 

I still teach intuition because we need that more than ever these days. I teach astrology because that too gives us wisdom and understanding of the cycles of time. I relish the private sessions I am honored to do, supporting a conscious approach to life. All is steeped in spiritual principles that have withstood many cycles on this amazing earth, turmoil and delight.

We find our balance of living life fully, in alignment with each other, knowing our collective actions must change radically. Regeneration is a Pluto word. I am encouraged by regenerative action to shift the environmental damage. We can do that faster than corporations can be transformed to care about more than profits. Pluto in Capricorn suggests a powerful regeneration of the structure of our world, transformation of physical reality itself. Hurry up Pluto. We see the destruction. We're ready to rebuild.

Uranus: The wake up call in which everything changes in the blink of an eye. In Taurus: it's about the earth, security, and stability. We need this help too. So...

don't forget...

January 10-12:  The Lunar Eclipse on Friday January 10th followed by Uranus moving forward that evening, followed by Saturn and Pluto joining on Sunday January 12th. Give yourself time and space on this weekend to reflect, meditate, hear the messages, receive the healing. An eclipse will catapult us forward and release that which no longer is necessary. Uranus opens us up, reminding us that authenticity and awakening are what we're about, clearing out the stuck security-minded energies. Pluto and Saturn have been transforming us for two years. Now they build a new power structure, inside every single one of us, and in the world at large. Feel these changes. Allow them to permeate, deepen, root to the core of the earth through each body. We are channels of Light. Sometimes holding the Light is all we can do until we're clear on correct action arising from Light embodied. 2020. A profound turning point. We can do it together.