Another Important New Moon

The Moon cycles are a simple way to ground your life with the cosmic movement of the Sun and the Moon.

Last month we had an important New Moon in Aries, the sign of the initiator. This New Moon was connected to the relationship vibration of Venus, the communication of Mercury, the wounded healer, Chiron, and the disruptor of powerful Eris. This New Moon is connected to the karma of the United States as a colonizer, and in each of our individual charts it launches our personal role to be part of solutions rather than trying to uphold the old order.

Radical changes and new ideas will continue to emerge in the upcoming months, and we will all be asked to be flexible, to adapt to radical change required for equity and planetary healing.

With May, comes a New Moon in Taurus, the sign of the earth, security, stability and groundedness.

While Aries likes to start things with no real interest in what comes after that (some of you will relate!) — Taurus suggests it is wise to make things easier, to build something lasting.

While Aries was fine to chase down a deer and eat for awhile until the next hunting adventure, Taurus figures out if you plant the seeds of he squash, you’ll have ample squash for months and can relax by the fire, eating zucchini bread and drinking a fermented zucchini beverage!

Where in your life do you need to plant some seeds?

How do you need to take care of your physical body and your nervous system?

It’s time to build for the future, even though we can’t quite see how it will be.

The New Moon is at 21 degrees of Taurus and it happens to square the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. The launch of a twenty year Aquarian period of life began on December 21, 2020 when the planet of beliefs (Jupiter) aligned with the planet of structure (Saturn). This New Moon is a test of how each one of us is creating a grounded life in alignment with this next phase of revolution and/or evolution.

This New Moon is also in a connected sextile with Neptune in Pisces, offering compassion and intuition to the approach.

After more than a year of restrictions, we are ready to move forward, many of us chomping at the bit to be able to travel, to see loved ones, to do “what we want, when we want” (Aries talking here).

This Taurus New Moon asks us to slow down. Consider the health of the planet. Think about the benefits of staying closer to home, taking care of our bodies. Herbs, good food, quality rest. How can we maintain ease and a calm, centered approach while the world changes faster than we can imagine.

A Taurus I once knew had counted the steps from his bed to the fridge, so he could decide if his hunger was worth the effort.

In meditation with a New Moon, it’s a good idea to make a list of what you’re starting—your desires and plans. Place it under a crystal or a candle for extra power. Last month with the Aries Moon you might have had a powerful and long list.

With this New Moon in Taurus, perhaps it’s time to reconsider.

What is worth your effort?

Are your efforts in alignment with your long term health and wellbeing — and are they in alignment with the major changes in how we will live on this tender planet going forward?

Plant your garden wisely. Sustainability is the word to ponder.