Aries New Moon Power

“Ready - Fire - Aim”

“Just Do It!”

These are the humorous mottos of Aries. The deeper meaning of this first sign of the zodiac is to live in a way that is free, filled with life force and a sense of “beingness.”

Of course, Aries folk are known for “doingness” too, especially running into burning buildings, literally or metaphorically. There is an instinctual intuition inherent in the sign, unbridled courage and bravery, and often residual stress, swimming below the surface of the can-do-it attitude.

Whether you have planets in Aries or not, somewhere in your chart lives the sign, an area of life that holds this inner call to live life fully—to do what you want, when you want.

And so we find ourselves about to experience a particularly powerful New Moon in Aries on April 11th.

This will affect us all, and especially those with planets and angles in cardinal signs—Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

The New Moon is exact at 7:31 pm Pacific time @ 22 degrees of Aries. It is sandwiched between Venus, Chiron and Mercury--the entire sign of Aries and all degrees of cardinal signs will be affected. Think of this stellium of Aries planets as the energy of relationship, resources, karmic wounds, healing potential, and communication and knowledge. They will all be operating through the lens of new starts and life filled vitality.

Meanwhile Pluto is connected, perhaps with some stress, with a creative question to be answered. Pluto represents transformation of deep wounds into power and integrity, and is in Capricorn, the sign of accomplishment and success. There may be a need to find resolution around something that’s been holding you back from being fully in your power so that you can move forward. Consider the valuable structures in your life, and how you might find solutions so that you can feel more aligned with your Spirit.

You might feel encouraged to take actions that have been brewing for some time, aware of how they may feel a bit scary but are necessary for your development and success.

Be proactive for the best results.

Give yourself some time to ponder your inner balance between goals and objectives that perhaps need to be updated, and what feels alive inside you right now.

We’ve been through a LOT in the past year. Many of us have had time to reflect on what is meaningful, or who in our lives we most value. We have entered a significant era of progress and change. The call of Aries evokes impatience while Pluto in Capricorn asks us to value the longer term goals as well.

Go back to the ingress of Pluto into Capricorn. Think about all you’ve been pondering and building since 2008. Consider the changes you’ve made or thought about since Saturn came into Capricorn in 2018. Where are you now? Where are you going?

Now that Saturn and Jupiter, the planets of the “Great Conjunction,” have moved into Aquarius, we have definitely moved into a new era of rapid change. But we’re all still cleaning up outworn constructs of the old structures of society and our personal lives.

The bus is leaving soon. You’ll want to be on it with a backpack filled with experience and wisdom, ready for your next adventure.