
As our world changes on a daily, if not hourly basis, we are offered an opportunity to surrender to life as a deep practice.

Letting go, allowing, trusting. Each of these passive yet potent frames of mind call us to a higher vibration.

Meanwhile the ego personality demands life be the same, the lines short, the possibilities limitless. This part of us dislikes feeling frustrated and wants to be able to plan and have those plans go smoothly. Of course.

What might be the advantage of instability, an uncertain and uncontrollable tomorrow? How might we evolve as the past no longer dictates the future.

We learn to surrender and to let go of attachment to the outcome. We practice living in the moment. We discover it is possible to surrender and trust, but that this practice doesn’t absolve us of right actions. Balance.

We dance on the edge of acceptance and will — allowing personal will to evolve to align with the greater Will of spirit.

When life is easy, the economy is flowing, and we spend our hours making money and planning how to spend it, we often lose sight of these simple truths.

Today I’m meditating on surrender and where I can breathe in just a little more of it, to permeate every area of my life.

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