A New Year Arrives

As we leave one year behind and move into the next, we generally find ourselves reviewing the past and holding intention for the future.

If the last two years have taught us anything, it is how fragile life is, and that we will need to live in the present moment more than ever, surrendering to an ever changing landscape. Our connections with other humans, animals, the earth — often taken for granted in our treadmill lives — are needed.

Strong Capricorn energy transports us between the years, with a New Moon on Sunday, the Sun, Mercury, Venus retrograde and Pluto all dancing together in the sign of commitment and responsibility, asking us to be realistic about our relationships, to commit and to build, or to set a clear boundary. Venus also relates to resources, so you might be looking at finances more realistically, or if your skills are where you want them to be.

If the Venus retrograde doesn’t activate enough of a review, the Mercury retrograde In January from Aquarius back into Capricorn will pick up the pieces. The New and Full Moons of January sing the same song.

All of this review is in the same archetypal location as the major changes initiated in 2020. What, if anything, about that year’s radical change, is working for you? What have you learned about yourself that you want to stabilize within your life going forward? We are not going back to the old normal, and there isn’t any real ground in the new normal either!

Blessedly, Jupiter has just moved into Pisces, bringing a more forgiving and compassionate nature to its search for meaning. And the Lunar Nodes will move in January into the signs of Scorpio and Taurus, launching a whole new territory of accelerated change.

Self-love and a practice of self-care is the balancing act for Capricorn. Consider a deeper and more focused, consistent practice, and a whole lot of surrender and living in the moment.

Perhaps by slowing down we can be patient with our life reviews. The time to actually make the final choices is likely not until early spring when the retrogrades are totally complete.

One day at a time.