Navigating Life as it Arises

If you read the headlines, life seems extra challenging right now. Politics, global warming, mass shootings, the economic disparities—it can be overwhelming. I often cry when I read even the headlines. Yet when I think about past life regressions I’ve done myself, or led people through, I have a pretty good sense that those lives weren’t a piece of cake either: wars, famines, vengeful kings. We must be crazy souls to keep coming back here. What is it that draws us to reincarnate again and again?

In the midst of all of the challenges we face, problems the mind latches onto, we also experience beauty and love, sensual pleasure, the joy of giving to others. We experience ourselves as pure love and joy, the essence of who we are. As we evolve, we find ways to be true to ourselves no matter what the outside circumstances are. This reminds me of Roberto Assagioli, founder of Psychosynthesis, the amazing spiritual psychology I have trained in that infuses my world view. He was imprisoned in an isolation cell during the facsist dictatorship era in Italy:

“I realized that I was free to choose between two different attitudes towards my situation: giving it a certain meaning, or alternatively, using it in one way or another. I could rebel or submit passively, vegetating, or I could indulge in the unhealthy pleasure of self-pity, assuming the role of a martyr… Or in conclusion, I could turn it into a spiritual retreat: far from the world at last. I had no doubt it was up to me.”*

Ultimately he realized his soul path was “to help men and women to free themselves from their inner prisons” as well as deepening his sense that culminating peace in the world is a personal process whereby we cultivate peace in our personal and worldly lives to slowly change the world.

The Dalai Lama reflected this same belief system by saying “the source of peace is within us; so also the source of war.”

This doesn’t mean we can’t be politically active, support ecological initiatives or work toward necessary changes. It means though, that our self-care and focus on spiritual path must be impeccable during the process, or we become part of the darkness—polarized and hateful.

To support you on this path, I offer some healing reminders:

  • Make a list of 20 nurturing things you can do for yourself and do at least one every day

  • Reschedule your life so you get enough sleep — and night and through naps

  • Take time for meditation, prayer and simply resting with the breath every day

  • Remember anger, even righteous anger, poisons and depletes you if you’re not careful. Focus it with clarity toward powerful action while bringing yourself back to a state of love and calm

  • Read something spiritual and inspirational for the last few minutes before you to go sleep so your dreamspace is inspired. That mystery/thriller is fun but you don’t want the energy permeating your sleep.

  • Get enough touch. If you can’t afford massage, trade foot massages with a friend.

  • Make a point to read the positive, inspirational news stories. Share these with friends. Hold the vision for a better world by focusing on it. Put yourself on a news diet. Read just enough to be informed and take action where you feel guided.

  • Give to others. Get out of the personal me-drama.

A well known Chi Kung teacher spent many years in isolation in a Chinese prison, the cell so small he couldn’t even do Tai Chi movements. And so he practiced Chi Kung, working primarily with breath and standing meitation. Through this solitary focus he achieved great power and became an excellent teacher.

Again his experience, and conscious choice, reminds us to continue to cultivate our highest levels of consciousness, despite the world, or our immediate surroundings.

As you see the current construct of your personal life and the contemporary world as your karmic/ego created prison, how would you choose love, peace and spiritual awakening? Right now.

This is what we’ve come back for. To live in a state of love no matter what flavor of life is arising. To remember our divinity and to see it in others. We may be knocked off center from time to time, but when we know what center is we can breathe ourselves back to it.


*The Assagioli quote is from the recent book about his life and philosophies by Petra Guggisberg Nocelli: The Way of Psychosynthesis. Highly recommended