New Year 2018

As the year flickers to an end, and the vibrations of 2018 begin to captivate us, I wish you peace, joy, surrender and many blessings.

I’ll use any excuse to ponder life–a solstice, a birthday, an eclipse–and definitely a new calendar year. What has the past year brought? What is my intention for the upcoming year.

Like many of us, I was raised on the idea of New Year’s Resolutions: a list of failings to be corrected. Not only does this add to a feeling of “not enough” but as we all know, by February we’re often back to so called normal, the set point.

In order to have the “to do” list make sense in a more spiritual, harmonious way, we need to be clear about our mission in life. Where does the heart call you? Can you feel your soul’s yearnings? Can you ponder life from this perspective of meaning?

In this cauldron there may be immense gratitude for small joys. Some of the spirit infused ideas that float to your mind may seem inconsequential–

“…take care of yourself” “…be kind to all” “…rest more”

–and some may be scary–

“…quit your job and take that trip” “…go back to school and do what you’ve always longed for” “… choose a healthier relationship–or to be single”

We know that the journey is more important than the destination. If you’ve hit a few destinations in your life you know that for sure. Pretty much once you get to that mountain peak you’re looking around to find the next one.

So enjoy the journey. Breathe the cool mountain air as you climb. Take the time to straighten out your socks so you don’t get a blister. Hug your co-climbers. Definitely hug the sherpas.

We’ll be exploring the year’s potentials and energy in the workshop (noted below-recording available) on January 7th. New astrology and intuitive development webinars are about to start if that’s part of your calling so check them out and register now. And, if you want to reflect on your numerology personal year to know a little of what’s coming up, here’s a brief synopsis.

In numerology 2017 was a “1” year. For those of us living within this particular calendar (there are so many facets to the earthly hologram), we have begun a new journey. In 2018 we enter the second year of the cycle, a relationship year.

To know your personal year, add the number of your birth month with the date number, adding each digit separately, and then add the overall number from the year. For instance if your birthday is December 14, it is 12/14. You add 1+2+1+4 with 2 for 2018 to come up with 10. Since 9 is the completion year, any two digit answer must also be added, so 1+0 = 1. This is your personal first year of a 9-year cycle.

I have found over time that the numerology cycle is very accurate for timing of the theme of various years overall, and I integrate it with key astro cycles, such as the Saturn and progressed moon cycles. Even if an astrological cycle is indicating new starts, if you’re in a complete year numerologically, it will be kind of like going forward with the breaks on.

Basic meanings of the years

1 – new beginnings, the flavor of the cycle reveals itself

2 – you figure out who you’re going with – partners, friends, etc

3 – creative ideas expand the cycle – actions begin

4 – on the treadmill – working hard – can’t see the mountaintop

5 – change – adjustment – moving – just plain unsettled

6 – getting settled – home & family – a rest before the final push

7 – refining knowledge & wisdom – looking at what needs to end

8 – mountain top – rewards and recognition – go for it

9 – still on that mountain but now it’s time to complete – let go

Although our mind loves to review, and there’s certainly soul centered power in connecting to the intentional calling, once you have explored where you are and made clear intentional choices, remember to live each moment as it arises. As always the breath is the only moment we have.