Foggy moments in the Crazy Lands: Let’s Stay Grounded

Like reports of heffalumps from distant exotic lands, I am receiving status reports from everywhere about transcendent moments of spaciness that are so extreme, you might wonder if you’re safe to drive, or even walk. Some of us are falling over, apparently losing touch with gravity. Another walked into a room, looked at a clock that said “5:30” and spent several minutes wondering what 5:30 actually meant… does anybody really know what time it is?

I have washed my face with toothpaste. I blamed it on Mercury retrograde, but no with no major astrological excuse–other than everything–I then brushed my teeth with face cleanser several weeks later. They are both in tubes. That is my sole defense.

And if it’s not vast levels of Neptunian fog and the merging into 5th dimensional reality where physical reality is a bit flimsy, we are then made painfully aware of the fearful dark side of uncontrolled anger and rage, frustrations born of inequalities in every direction. The plutocracy and the humans looking for a new paradigm are engaged in a painful struggle. We are part of the struggle in our absolute oneness, and we are also just simple humans trying to have a life.

I’m concerned about the massive negative attention on the political insanity. It’s a Tai Chi dance to be informed, take action, and not get swept up in the chaos, watching a world level traffic accident in slow motion.

I feel compelled to remind us all, again and again–because we will all need reminders throughout as long as this takes–to stay focused on the changes we wish to create.

We cannot afford to bask in hatred and vindictiveness. We are asked to get involved with other likeminded souls and be the transformation of Pluto, the divine love of Neptune, the revolution of Uranus, and the endless pursuit of worthy goals of Saturn.

So let’s stay connected with each other, finding the sweetness in each moment, building more and more drops of consciousness into this new paradigm begging to be birthed. And yea, let’s stay grounded, mindful, uni-tasking, sun seeking, dancing and singing…


The reason we’ve been so spacey (on an astrological level) is the continued input of the planet Neptune, the Piscean dreamy, compassionate vibration that’s permeating our group consciousness quite strongly right now as it makes its to the midpoint of Pisces, its own sign. Our intuitive capacities, dream world activity and capacity for high love are awakened. On the other hand, we might just float away in a sea of confusion, fog and numbing out. This is where the focus on grounding becomes essential through these years.

On a global level we are touching into higher consciousness through the transit of Neptune in Pisces, even as the planetary dark shadow (endless Pluto) excavates the corruption and the waning Pluto/Uranus square brings some of the revolutionary needs and impulses more fully into reality.

In the past month, Uranus, the planet of awakening and radical change, was dancing with Mercury after its retrograde and Venus after its retrograde, also in a strong flowing trine with Saturn. This was an opportunity to receive powerful visionary downloads and brilliant new ideas designed to make creative changes based all of that retrograde review.

  • Pay attention to your thoughts of innovation or change and blend them with focused, grounded. action.

  • Quick decisions can be made to achieve long term goals in alignment with our true values and beliefs.

  • If you’re trying to formulate a new plan or launch something, the next few days in May are excellent to get down to work.

  • We’ve just had a new Moon in Gemini, so it’s time to start, or at least get the message out.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, has been retrograde since February and now goes direct on June 9th. This is another reason to envision some positive movement forward, especially in the part of your chart that is Libra or mid degree cardinal signs (Aries, Capricorn & Cancer).

Throughout the month, as is typical this time of year, planets move into the sign of Cancer. I often find this urges us to slow down, spend time with family and loved ones. It’s a great time to take some water based vacations. Mars goes into Cancer on June 4th, Sun on June 20 and Mercury on June 21st. They will trine Neptune in Pisces. Intuition and healing must be part of the game plan for June. Mars in Cancer (emotionally infused action) might be challenging especially toward the end of the month when it’s conjunct Mercury (communication) and opposite Pluto (power or rage?). Stay in the pool and don’t say what you’re thinking! Or at least calm down to say it with consciousness.

Venus moves into Taurus on June 6th. This is the sign of dignity for Venus–her favorite clothes–solid, stable and sensual. A few days later once Jupiter is direct this might be a good time to make larger purchases, or take your relationship to the next step, if you still have any relationships after the Aries intensity of May. (-:

Saturn and Uranus are still in a loose trine for the month, excellent for stabilizing new and exciting long term plans. There’s a balancing between the urge to run away and just do what you want–or stay put, work hard for the long term goals you’ve held dear for a long time. Some have already had clarity. I’ve seen a lot of instant firings and breakups. But if you’re still uncertain my guess is the August Solar Eclipse in Leo (*you’ll hear way more about this in the months to come from everyone) will provide the power to make intense needed changes, either in August or by February 2018.

Stay grounded. Take very good care of your body–nervous systems are stressed right now. And love everyone.