We're All One--and Venus Retrograde

There are some spiritual principles that are easy to accept—although not necessarily so easy to embody consistently. Forgiveness. Unconditional Love. Surrender. Integrity. Yet maybe we can get behind these aspirations and agree that at least they are very good ideas and worth striving toward.

The spiritual concept of Oneness tends to be more of a challenge. It holds that we are all one magnificent soul. Everyone is our teacher. We are all players in each others’ movies. At some point even our greatest enemy will be revealed as our beloved.

Think of the people you think you dislike or despise and imagine them sitting on a cloud with you — in a time long, long ago — and in a time far in the future — merged as love, one with each other and the divine.

This spiritual theory, which I believe to be true based on countless conversations with spirits of various types, is worth considering. We can hold it lightly within as a medicine for the painful divisiveness we find ourselves in.

This doesn’t mean we’re supposed to spend time with everyone we meet. We still get to have boundaries and choices. Spirituality is not an excuse to stay in an abusive or harmful situation.

It’s about the way we hold an understanding of what we’re up to in connection with others. It’s about softening into a loving container whenever and wherever we can possibly do it.

Oneness is clear in that we are all the same at the core. Soul. Spirit. Love energy. And also we are wound tight with negative thought forms and painful feelings, stuck wounded places and reflexive choices, none of which reflect who we really are.

When we meet someone new, the karmic patterns and memories we carry are ignited. The energy that surrounds our pure soul is magnetic to repetitive experiences. We can be triggered to instant dislike, buzzing excitement, or the feeling this is our true love. If we engage in the connection we have an opportunity to loosen the reigns, burn off the past memories, do something different or merge into a growthful and intimate union.

Venus has been retrograde (seeming to move backwards in the sky) since October 4th and will be dancing into the past through November 16th. You might have noticed some old relationships circling back ‘round for another look-see. Who are you really? Could we transform this and make it work? Can we deepen? Do I need a restraining order? lol … These are the introspective, investigative questions emanating from the sign of Scorpio where the review begins. On a personal level it’s simply about depth and intimacy, and possibly some re-considerations about money and finances. By November 1st the flavor is in Libra realm: harmony, balance, justice, equal trusting partnerships.

Maybe in November we’ll feel more charitable and loving. The day Venus goes direct, Mercury goes retrograde for three weeks so it’s a whole other level of review into December. I suggest holding off on new starts until the new year where possible. Do the review. Call in relationship of all types from a place of inner integrity.

In the meantime remember the divine medicines of forgiveness and transformation. Transmute old wounds into personal power and integrity. Let go of the tired storylines and breathe yourself back into Oneness as a core truth.