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Consulting Skills at Kepler College

You may know how to read an astrology chart, but it takes great awareness to know how to synthesize it and communicate the wisdom to your clients effectively. How do you begin a consultation? How do you speak about challenging configurations? How do you address different cultural contexts? Astrology can be very revealing, transformative, and even powerful, but as a practitioner, you must know how to deliver this information in ways that empower your clients and certainly do no harm. This essential program will make you a better and more confident astrologer.

Over 10 weeks, we will explore how to create a supportive environment and work on the most effective communication skills: how to properly develop rapport and find the right balance between engaging the client in dialogue and giving the astrological interpretations. This process requires mindfulness, inner work, and deepened awareness on the part of the astrologer.

We will reflect on personal issues that may influence our client interactions. We will explore common challenges related to ethics, boundaries, cross-cultural issues, and the unconscious effect of language, personal beliefs, and philosophies as we deepen both awareness and practical skills.

Throughout this class, there will be lectures, group discussions, meditation, inner work, and time to practice giving and receiving readings with our peers.

This class is an OPA Consulting Skills parallel and will count towards their Certification Program.

There will be a cap of 15 to 18 participants.

10 Sundays, starting January 8, 2023 - 9:00-11:00 AM (Pacific)