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OMEGA 2022 Astrology Conference

Heart Centeredness in the Stars

— Astrology as Medicine —

at the Omega Institute of Holistic Studies

Join us for another amazing boutique Astrology Conference

Maurice Fernandez • Kay Taylor • Anne Ortelee •Arielle Guttman • Magali Morales

Five expert voices of modern astrology weave their individual threads of thought into a beautiful cosmic tapestry. Join us for an intellectual and spiritual adventure in consciousness as we share a grounded approach to this timeless star knowledge.

This is your opportunity to explore astrology as a tool to better understand life, death, and evolution. Whatever your level of astrological knowledge, you will emerge from this weekend:

  • with a clear perspective of astrology

  • knowing how astrology affects your personal life

  • clarity about the significant role astrology is playing in illuminating the great shift we are currently experiencing here on Planet Earth.

We are living through a revolution of consciousness that is pushing experts in diverse fields to break with contemporary mechanistic models as they reclaim the validity of magical ancient spiritual traditions. Astrology is at the forefront of this revolution, having served humanity through the centuries across all indigenous cultures of the globe. Today, astrology is not only a tool to track future cycles, but also one of the most profound bodies of knowledge for self-realization. Knowing about your own chart can be catalytic, helping you to resolve karmic tangles, manifest your true potential, and harmonize with your soul purposes.

Kay’s Lectures:

Friday: The Astrology of Spiritual Awakening

The astrology chart shows your personal path of integration and wholeness, even the “how” and “when” of spiritual growth, whether it’s major shift potential, or practical ways to be in tune with your need for annual retreat or spiritual study. We’ll explore how this deeper meaning of the chart’s potential may support your higher path.

Saturday: Conscious Love through Relationship

Relationships are an important part of our life path, and can be a source of conscious love — or karmically habitual. As we take responsibility for understanding and integrating the gifts and challenges clearly defined in the chart rather than endlessly seeking the perfect mate or trying to change those around us, relationships transform. The whole chart defines relationship needs, but there are key points to work with consciously, such as Venus and the Moon and their relationship to outer planets. We’ll look at both natal charts and the composite relationship chart.

Sunday: The Taskmaster Floats In: Saturn into Pisces

Saturn moves into the sign of Pisces in March 2023. What will this mean for the world? What will it mean in your life? We’ll explore how the planet of structure and accomplishment in the sign of oneness and compassion will affect key areas of life over the next three years.

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