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NORWAC 2022 -- Astrology Conference

2022 Northwest Astrology Conference

Tukwila, Washington — May 26 - 30, 2022

NORWAC is considered to be one of the finest conferences in the world, held annually in Seattle, Washington on Memorial Day weekend. It was the first conference Kay ever attended, and was life-changing for her. It is smaller than some, known for personal connection and shared meals where lecturers and students mingle. There is a strong focus on modern western astrology, like psychological and Evolutionary Astrology, with Traditional and Hellenistic lectures emphasized as well.

Kay’s featured lectures include…

KEYNOTE: The Next Dimension: Astrology’s Role in an Enlightened Collapsing Society • Saturday, May 28, 2022, 9:00am
We are a herd of impossibly independent cats, loosely bound by the stardust of the cosmos. Potentially, we have a greater public presence and more power than at any time in history. What is the role of the astrologer at this vortex of a crossroads? We hold the map in our hands. Can we connect as community and elevate our art to be a force for positive change — or will the uncontrollable array of content ruin any credibility we create?

Relationship Evolution: Progressed Composites & SynastrySunday, May 29, 2022, 2:30pm
Although natal charts reflect our core nature, over time we embody the secondary progressed chart as an overlay to the natal. This applies to relationship composites and synastry too, providing powerful medicine for couple’s consultations. Natal charts provide the fundamental blueprint; progressed charts depict emerging themes, strengths, and weaknesses. Using Evolutionary Astrology, we’ll explore transition and growth periods in progressed charts that may not show up in natal chart analysis.

You can participate in part or all of the conference.

Don't wait! Current early-bird discount lasts until March 30th - this conference sells out early!