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Astrology of Intuition with Kay Taylor

What is intuition and how can it enhance or harm astrological work? We’ll look at the differences between various intuitive skills, the associated chakras, and how this relates to psychic aptitude seen through the charts of famous and infamous Intuitives. We’ll also explore how to support yourself with appropriate boundaries and nervous system care, and how to support clients when they are overwhelmed and ungrounded or closed down to their natural gifts.

Kay Taylor is an evolutionary astrologer, author and teacher who has been integrating transformational astrology with intuitive mastery, psychosynthesis, yoga philosophy and a wealth of healing wisdom for over 35 years. Kay has been involved with OPA (Organization for Professional Astrology) for many years, joining the Board in 2018 as the Education Director and stepping up to the role of President in 2020 where she is also a Peer Group Leader and co-created the Consulting Skills Training. Kay’s Soul Path School trains intuitive professionals and evolutionary astrologers. Publications include Soul Path Way (2016), An Intuitive Life (blog for 2008-2014), and chapters for the anthologies “The Professional Astrologer” (2015) and “Essential Astrology” (2022). Certified by OPA, ISAR CAP and NCGR Level II, she maintains a thriving full time consulting practice based in the SF Bay Area.

This event is hosted by the National Counsel for Geocosmic Research

NCGR Members $10, Non-members $15