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2021 - The Year Ahead

We crawl to the finish line of 2020. We've learned a lot--we've seen the silver linings and the cauldrons of despair. We've bought designer masks and paper masks. We've learned to live more simply. We've seen the systemic social injustice issues clearly, without filters. We're experiencing climate change personally, no longer a distant threat.

How are you managing?

Are you ready for the next phase?

Please join me on that bridge to review where we've come from, and to envision the future together, setting intention to be part of the awakening and rebuilding, and to be strong as we watch the old structures collapse.

As always we will use this review of the new year’s energies to set intent in alignment with our soul path. And, when we join together, the power of intention is much greater than our individual work.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You are familiar with the basics of astrology -- signs, planets, houses

  • You like manifestation & meditation techniques

  • You want to understand your chart in relationship to transformative energy of the year

We will look at these energies in 2021 and how they affect your personal chart::

  • Major transits of outer planets

  • Eclipses

  • Mercury retrogrades

  • Profection/Time-Lord 

We'll do some meditation and a co-creative journey.

Since this is normally a brunch potluck in person, please feel free to have some food and drinks and to be cozy.

Friday, January 1 from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm

$45 for Virtual Class with personal focus

$27 for Recordings only

Earlier Event: June 21
OPA Live - Astrology for Corona Times
Later Event: January 2
Intuitive Saturdays - Winter 2021