The Wild Ride Takes a Pause

April has been a whirlwind of experiences, like being chopped, diced, and blended into the oneness of all, only to snap back into the scratchy reality of challenges. But as May approaches, with the planets leisurely strolling into Taurus, it feels like we might finally catch a breather—a moment to reflect, center ourselves, and find solid ground before the whirlwind of the U.S. election season sweeps us into crazy town.

The Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on April 8th and the Uranus/Jupiter alignment on April 20th conspired to jolt us awake, shattering stagnant patterns and nudging us toward a fresh, creative path. Of course, then Mercury went retrograde in Aries, throwing a temporary wrench in our plans. But fear not—Mercury goes direct tomorrow, April 25th!

Many of us have been grappling with longstanding issues, but with Mercury back on track, we can finally take bold steps forward, speaking our truth and thinking with courage. We know what we need and want, but how do we bring it into being? How do we listen deeply to the wisdom within and make brave choices? And how do we nurture authentic, nourishing relationships while releasing those that drain our energy?

May offers some respite and gentle flow. Pluto turns retrograde on May 2nd, signaling the beginning of a summer slowdown and providing us with one last opportunity to unearth and restructure anything holding us back. Meanwhile, Venus moves into Taurus, inviting us to savor pleasure and cultivate secure connections.

As Neptune lingers in the final degree of Pisces, we're urged to integrate intuition, mysticism, and spirituality—a lesson we've been learning since 2011. It's like our final exam: Are we cultivating compassion, connection, and consciousness, or are we allowing overwhelm to steer us off course?

By the end of May, we'll find ourselves in lighter Gemini territory, where new adventures, great books, and scintillating conversations await us, carrying us into the summer months.

PS: Before we dive into summer break, I want to ensure you know there’s just one last six-week Intuitive Saturdays class series starting this Saturday, April 27th. It's a chance to harness all this incredible energy and dive deep into intuitive development and healing. And on Sundays, you can sign up to explore Relationship Astrology, delving into soul contracts and compatibility in all types of relationships.

Whether in these upcoming classes, or the retreat/conferences coming up this fall, don’t miss out on these awesome opportunities for learning, soul growth and connection. Let's make the most of the energies swirling around us and live a beautiful life one day at a time.