Chart Synthesis - Planetary Medicine

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Planetary Medicine #2.jpg

Chart Synthesis - Planetary Medicine


Every planet in any sign has the potential to operate to its highest evolutionary potential, but often hobbles along with average or dysfunctional qualities. Learn how to use the positive attributes of the opposite sign to bring about healing and growth to even the most “debilitated” planets in a practical way.

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Do you feel stuck with planets that are hard to deal with? Are you a professional astrologer looking for ways to help your clients evolve?

Every planet in any sign has the potential to operate to its highest evolutionary potential, but often hobbles along with average or dysfunctional qualities. Learn how to use the positive attributes of the opposite sign to bring about healing and growth to even the most “debilitated” planets in a practical way. Every planet can learn to operate effectively in its sign, even if it is not naturally a fit. Intermediate level.

This 90 minute class shows you how to focus on the healing medicine for each sign so you can strategize proactively. We do this with the North Node of the Moon as an example of medicine for the South Node. We can take this same theory and use it for every planet, bringing all planets to their highest, integrated potential. 

Example charts include Anthony Boudain, Bikram Choudhury and Roberto Assagioli, founder of Psychosynthesis.