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Integrative Consulting Skills Training

You might think you don't need this, but you do. We all do.

I still remember the first time a client started crying in the session. What to do? Stop and comfort her? But would she be getting her "money's worth" if I stopped talking? And then for how long? What's healing soul recognition crying, and what's an emotional upset, fear or pain evoked?

How can we balance between giving the astrological wisdom we have but also listening to our client, holding a container, being present? What if the client triggers us? What if we say something that triggers the client's strong reactions?

And these days, we are waking up to levels of social consciousness and equality that must be addressed not only through careful language, but through a deeper understanding of the actual issues.

All of this--and more--comes into the astrological consultation.

My friend Alexandra Karacostas and I developed this new Integrative Consulting Skills Program that is now part of the certification program for OPA. You can sign up for this inaugural launch. 

This program offers a unique and transformative consulting skills training so that you can offer a dynamic and healing astrology consultation.

We will explore how to hold space to create a supportive environment plus all of the basics of clear communication skills, developing rapport, and balancing between engaging the client in dialog and “giving” the reading. We believe this also requires mindfulness, inner work and deepened awareness on the part of the astrologer--so we will be doing that inner work, with a goal of shifting our perspectives deeply.

We will reflect on our own (often hidden) issues that can influence our sensitivity and client interactions. We will explore common challenges related to ethics, boundaries, cross-cultural issues and the unconscious effect of language, personal beliefs and philosophies as we deepen both awareness and practical skills.

Each day includes lecture, group discussion, meditation, inner work, journaling — and lots of time to practice giving and receiving readings with our peers. (That's always the fun part!)


Learn more about the OPA organization and this entire conference

You will also be able to register directly with OPA